Company Secretary Services
Our associates will act as company secretaries and maintain the statutory records required to be kept by client companies under the Companies Act. We assist in the incorporation, merger & acquisition, and striking-off of companies catering for clients local and abroad.
Being ranked as the top 6th country in the world as the easiest and most friendliness in doing business by the World Bank, this proof that Malaysia is truly on track on its economy transformation and bale to poise a place of investment welcoming foreigners! Strategic location, stability, affordable living with abundance of business investment opportunities in Malaysia promoted the demand of setting up companies in Malaysia.
We understand the challenges and hurdles of starting a business, we are pleased to support your business. Nothing is happier than helping SMEs in facing all the difficulties during their start-ups and growing together with them.
Need more info? please contact:
YT Management Sdn. Bhd.